Friday, November 13, 2015

Get Rid of Those Blisters from Wearing Thong Sandals

During warm days, we prepare to wear something comfortable and the breathable piece as our footwear. We tend to use the flip flops while we manage to have cool styles for our feet. One of which is thong style sandals which are in different variety and styles. I have a leopard thong sandals and I love its design.

Thong sandals may look cute, but it can cause painful blisters between our toes. Blisters come out because of the friction of the straps and your skin. To help you get rid of those blisters, check out my tips below.

Use socks.
Wear thin socks before wearing your sandals at home and before taking it outside to figure out which part of it irritates your feet.

Rest and heal.
Do not wear it every day, make sure that you alternate it with other comfortable shoes. That way, it helps your feet to relax and heal.

Air dry your sandals.
When your thong sandals get wet, let it dry on air. If you wear wet sandals, the tendency is you will get blisters and fungal infections which we don’t like to happen.

Use some cushions.
There lots of adhesive silicone pad or cushions available in the market. Put it around your sandal strap to prevent the skin from friction and helps blisters from coming out.

Use some gel.
Like the cushions and pads, you can also apply anti-blister gel to your feet before wearing a sandal. The gel will help you reduce the frictions by rubbing the straps on your skin. That way it helps you less likely to develop the blisters.

In addition, buy sandals with leather linings because fake leather is stiffer and less flexible. If you already have blisters, cover it with a small bandage. Do not pinch your blister it can cause an irritations and infections.

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